Federation & WI Information

Here you will find downloadable forms which you use regularly in your WI. To access these forms, simply click on the title which will bring up the form on screen. Either fill this in on screen and email to WI House direct, or print off a copy to fill in by hand and then post to WI House.

About Federation

Fed Constitution

Annual Report 2023/24

Fed Articles of Assoc

Leicestershire & Rutland WI signed financial statements 2023

Public Liability Cover

Minutes of the ACM March 2024

Fed Info & Forms

Speakers List

Yearbook 2024-25

Event Booking Guidance

Event Booking Form

Gift Aid Guidance

Monthly Draw

Running a WI


Officer Forms

New Member Pack

WI Constitution

Trustee Eligibility Declaration Form

WI Member Registration Form

NFWI Code of Conduct

Annual Report Form 2024

Photography Consent Form

Keeping of Records - timing

WI Data Mapping

New Members Fed Leaflet

Who is your WI Adviser

Data - Practical steps & examples


Proxy Voting Policy

Pro rata subscriptions 2024


Venue Risk Assessment Form

Membership Fees 2024


Accounts & Financial Statement


Memo for Independent Financial Examiners

Policies & Guidance




NFWI Charter

NFWI Safeguarding Policy

WI Member Registration Form

Federation Safeguarding Officer

First Aid cover for WI/Fed events


NFWI Health and Safety Policy

Raffle Policy


NFWI Communications Style

NFWI Social Media Policy


NFWI Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy

NFWI EDI Action List


NFWI Access of Carers to Members with Disabilities

Trademark Guidelines


Online Privacy Policy


Missing title


Examples for WIs

Complaints Policy

Complaints Policy

Complaints Form

Complaints Form

Ethical Policy

Ethical Policy

Procurement & Tender Policy

Procurement & Tender Policy

LRFWI Health and Safety Policy (Lone Working)


Menopause Policy

Menopause Policy

Craft show guidelines


Federation Trustee Election Process


The Essential Trustee by Charity Commission


Reference Notes for Fed Sec


WI Advisers Toolkit


Accessibility Policy


Fed Feedback Policy

WI Risk Assessment Template & Example

WI Trustee Eligibility Declaration

Transgender Policy

Equality - Diversity  and Inclusion Glossary of Terms

Group Secretary's Guidelines

Group Meeting Agenda

Group Secretaries Accounts Form

Group Secretary's Report Form

WI Groups pros and cons

Do You Think You Know the WI Poster

Complaints Procedure 

Risk Assessment Policy

Serious Incident Reporting Policy

Archive Policy

Yearbook Privacy Statement

Data Protection

Download Account Book and Financial Statement (computer version) from WI website

Download Financial Statement (paper version) from WI website