WI House
WI House
Leicestershire and Rutland Federation's office is located at 135 Loughborough Road, Leicester, LE4 5LQ. We are open Monday to Thursday 9.30am - 1.30pm. Telephone: 0116 2661342. Email: wihouse@lrfwi.org
Our members of staff are Sandra Woodward - Federation Secretary, Lois McKinder - Clerical Assistant and Anila Patel - Accounts Assistant.
WI House is used for many events for members from craft workshops to training sessions. Please look out for the flyers showing the events planned. Most committee meetings are held here as well. If you would like to observe one of these meetings with a view to serving on one of the many committees, you would be very welcome.
Members are very welcome to visit WI House during opening times to have a look round and enjoy a cup of tea. The entrance hall and walls have pictures displaying the many talents of our members. You can look through our archive of Yearbooks dating from 1919 and County News from 1978.
Sandra Woodward - Federation Secretary
Lois McKinder - Administrative Assistant
Anila Patel - Finance Officer
Hire WI House
WI House has a large upstairs conference room which seats 20 people comfortably and has a kitchen adjacent.
Downstairs there are 2 meetings rooms which each seat 10-12 people, one has an adjacent kitchen.
WIs (Outside Office Hours) £25 per session per room
Outside Organisations £50 per session per room.
Contact our Federation Secretary to book fedsec@lrfwi.org