
Anniversary Poem 

This was written for our 50th Birthday 
by a founder member Nancy Burditt
It was amended for our 60th birthday and every member at that time
 was given a copy in the form of a bookmark

After the war was over
After the peace was won
Down in the Broughton Road chapel
That's where the deed was done
Somebody called a meeting
Everyone's hopes were high
That was the very beginning
Of Stanton WI

Officers had to be chosen
President, Secretary, the lot
Some of them present were willing
Most of the others were not
Then when the votes were counted
All were agog to know
Who was the one to be chosen
The one who would open the show

Down a long line of Presidents
Baum, Metcalf, Hopewell are found
Eaves, Lindsay, Timms and Newbold
Very familiar they sound
But the first one to be chosen
The first one to hold the sway
Was a Mrs Gladys Middleton
Who some still remember today

  All through the years, how they prospered
Dinners and outings galore
Visits to busy factories
Stately homes seen by the score
AGMs duly attended
Council meetings as well
Delegates back to their meetings
All their experiences to tell

In more recent times must be noted
A Group entertainment began
Pantomimes, drama and music
All these were part of the plan
Carnivals also were entered
Which everyone found to be fun
Making and serving refreshments
All these were jobs to be done

Now on this Anniversary
Fifty long years have gone
Many have been the changes
Members have been and gone
Five ladies still remember
That very important day
When something which started in Stanton
Is still going strong today
Written by Nancy Burditt