
Press Release

First Rutland Morsbag Pod

Morsbag pod

Whissendine WI have set up the first Morsbag pod and have already made enough bags for all their members to be given one at their February meeting,  free bags will be available from Mace Village store in Whissendine from Saturday 1st March 2014.

Morsbags are made by people donating fabric and thread; members of the Whissendine WI Pod called Whissybags give their time and energy to make the bags, which they are finding quite addictive!

The idea of Morsbags is to encourage people to use a cloth bag which can be reused and washed if necessary, reducing plastic bag use and at the same time reducing landfill by using old tablecloths, duvet covers and curtains that might otherwise end up in land fill.

Reducing the use of plastic bags not only saves the earths viable resources as they are usually made from oil, but also helps protect wildlife both on land and in the sea. Many animals die a long and painful death from ingesting plastic bags especially in the ocean where they can look like jellyfish.

Each Morsbag is a little different depending on what its be made from and who made it! Whissybags would welcome donations of any sewing thread and clean old duvet covers, table cloths, curtains or off cuts of material
